Individual Collection: Sing & Read Alphabet

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Individual collections include 11" x 17" Big Books, Teacher Guide/digital, Reproducible Little Books/digital, Storage Box, and Music CD/digital.

Apple Annie
Benjamin Bunny
Cathy Cook
Daisy Doll
Elmo the Elephant
Funny Fish
Gus the Goat
Hippo Hop
Isabella Inchworm
Jungle Jim
Katy Kangaroo
Larry Lion
Marvin the Monkey
Nellie Nurse
Octopus Stew
Penelope Pig
Quilla Queen
Rowdy the Rodeo Rat
Silly Snake
Tommy Tiger
Uncle Ugbee
Victor the Vulture
Willie & Wanda
Foxy Roxy
Yippy Yak
Zippity Zoo